Neurological explanations of decision making in humans: A review

Tagaram Kondala Rao *

Department of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, (Deemed to be University) Agra. Uttar Pradesh, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 302–307
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0265
Publication history: 
Received on 20 February 2022; revised on 26 March 2022; accepted on 28 March 2022
The present review paper focuses on neurological perspective of decision making which plays a major role in our daily life. Our success or failure heavily depends up on the decision we make. So, there is a strong connection between decision making and successful life. Decision making is one of the cognitive aspects that give high load to our brain. In processing decisions, neurons and blood oxygen levels play major role. The author tried to explore various brain regions that involved in decision making process in the light of previous research findings. The author has reviewed 50 research papers/dissertations/documents/ review reports and other sources. Most of the researches used brain mapping techniques to explain possible reasons behind decision making. The conceptual understandings of the review have been presented in the following sections. The author came across various types of decision making such as perceptual decision making, social decision making, economic decision making in relation to different brain regions like parietal cortex, medial premotor cortex. These aspects have been discussed and highlighted in the upcoming sections.
Neuroimaging; Decision Making; FMRI; Parietal Cortex; Medial Premotor Cortex
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