Nested anova analysis on the effect of alcoholic drinks on the body temperature and heart beat
Department of statistics, the federal polytechnic ado Ekiti, Ekiti state, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 710–714
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1518
Publication history:
Received on 17 June 2023; revised on 05 August 2023; accepted on 08 August 2023
This paper examines effects alcoholic drinks on heartbeat and body temperature of mouse A, B and C. Three brand of alcohol, trophy, regal and origin were administered to them on each day for three days. Trophy was administered to each mouse on day1, Regal dry gin on day2 and Origin on day3 with their heartbeat rates and body temperatures recorded for each day after thirty minutes the alcohols were administered. Nested Analysis of variance was used to examine the effect of alcohol and mouse nested in alcohol on body temperature and heartbeat on mouse and also Independent two sample t-test was used to compare effects of two different alcoholic drinks on the heart beat rate and body temperature of three mouse. Conclusively the result shows that alcohol drinks likewise mouse nested in alcohol has no significant effect on the body temperature and heartbeat of mouse and the effect of any two alcoholic drinks on heart beat rate and body temperature of mouse will always be not significant and comparison of effect of any two alcoholic drinks on heart beat rate and body temperature of mouse are not significant.
Alcohol; Mouse; Temperature; Heartbeat; Nested
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