Nature inspired algorithms in dynamic task scheduling: A review
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 829–833
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.3.2531
Publication history:
Received on 31 October 2023; revised on 13 December 2023; accepted on 15 December 2023
The process of scheduling involves allocating shared resources gradually so that tasks can be completed effectively within the allotted time. In task scheduling and resource allocation, the terms are used independently for tasks and resources, respectively. In computer science and operational management, scheduling is a hot topic. Efficient schedules guarantee system effectiveness, facilitate sound decision-making, reduce resource waste and expenses, and augment total productivity. Selecting the most accurate resources to complete work items and schedules for computing and business process execution is typically a laborious task. Particularly in dynamic real-world systems, where scheduling different dynamic tasks involves multiple tasks, is a difficult problem. Emerging technology known as "nature inspired algorithms" has the ability to dynamically solve the problem of optimal task and resource scheduling. This review paper discusses a study that looked at algorithms inspired by nature and used them to schedule tasks dynamically. The Nature Inspired Algorithms used in dynamic task scheduling and a comparative analysis of those methods are used in this paper to address the study's findings.
Task Scheduling; Nature Inspired Algorithms; Genetic Algorithm; Bacteria Foraging Optimization Algorithm; Genetic Based Bacteria Foraging Algorithm; Krill Herd Algorithm; Water Cycle Algorithm; Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm.
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