The most influencing factors of the incidence of Preeclamsia at Public Health Center Sidosermo Surabaya

Farida 1, Endyka Erye Frety 1, *, Andriyanti 1 and Atika 2

1 Midwifery Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Department of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 738–745
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.1.2065
Publication history: 
Received on 23 May 2024; revised on 06 July 2024; accepted on 08 July 2024
Maternal Mortality Rate in Indonesia is the highest in Southeast Asian countries. The main reason of maternal mortality in Indonesia is preeclampsia, which is the prevalention up to 5,3%. Aims : to analyze the risk factors of preeclampsia at Public Health Center Sidosermo Surabaya in 2023. Methods: This research method is analytic observational with case control design. The number of samples is 93 by using simple random sampling, which are 31 samples cases and 62 samples control. Independent variables in this research are age, BMI, frequency of ANC, hemoglobin levels in first trimester, high glucose levels in first trimester. Dependen variable is incident of preeclampcia. Data was analyzed by using chi square, Fisher exact and regression tests logistics. Data was taken from medical records of Public Health Center Sidosermo Surabaya in 2023. Research results: Bivariate test results: There is significant correlation between age and preeclampsia, There is significant correlation between BMI and preeclampsia, There is significant correlation between frequency of ANC and preeclampsia, There is significant correlation between hemoglobin levels in first trimester and preeclampsia, There is significant correlation between glucose levels in first trimester and preeclampsia. Multivariate test results: Mother’s age, BMI, ANC frequency, hemoglobin levels in first trimester, and glucose levels in first trimester had simultaned effect to incident of preeclamsia amount to 63,5%. Conclusion: BMI is the most influencing factors of incident of preeclampsia at Public Health Center Sidosermo Surabaya in 2023.
Preeclampsia; Risk factor; BMI; Frequency of ANC; Hemoglobin levels; Glucose levels
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