Mental health issues in women diagnosed with infertility or multiple failed IVF attempts
Department of Family Medicine, Alberta Health Services, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(02), 769–773
Publication history:
Received on 28 September 2024; revised on 07 November 2024; accepted on 09 November 2024
This article examines the relationship between infertility and mental health in women, highlighting the bidirectional nature of this interaction. Infertility often leads to psychosocial issues such as depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction, significantly reducing the quality of life for patients. This paper also presents a literature review to provide a theoretical foundation on the topic, encompassing controlled randomized trials, population cohort studies, and cross-sectional studies. The research covers data on the prevalence of mental disorders, loss of a sense of control, and sexual dysfunction among women experiencing prolonged infertility, particularly after unsuccessful in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. The results indicate that 60% of patients suffer from depression, and 75% experience sexual dysfunction as well as anxiety disorders. Moreover, significant differences in mental disorder levels between groups underscore the need to integrate mental health support into infertility treatment protocols to improve patients' overall well-being. These findings support the necessity of providing psychological support for women suffering from infertility and multiple failed IVF attempts.
Infertility; Mental health; Depression; Anxiety; Sexual dysfunction; In vitro fertilization; Psychosocial issues; Quality of life; Women's health; Psychotherapy
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