Mechanism of resistance of microorganisms to nickel compounds

Nikiforova Lidiya Osipovna 1, * and Mousse Smail Rauf 2

1 Russian Geological Prospecting University, Faculty of Hydrogeology, Department of Construction of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems, Moscow, Russia.
2 Moscow State University of Food Production, Faculty of Biotechnology, Department of Technosphere Safety, Moscow, Russia. 
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 101–112
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0800
Publication history: 
Received on 03 August 2022; revised on 15 January 2023; accepted on 18 January 2023
The purpose of the research was to accumulate results proving the ability of biocenosis in natural water bodies and biological treatment facilities to maintain stability at nickel concentrations above the MPC up to 30% without reducing biomass growth. Studies have shown that microbial communities in the aquatic environment synchronize natural defense systems and are able to change the mechanisms of resistance. The complex formation of nickel with inorganic compounds and mixed-ligand complexes of conjugated bases of amino acids makes it possible to obtain three-dimensional spatial structures near the silt particle that bind nickel ions and thereby reduce its toxic effect.
Microorganisms; Nickel compounds; Toxicity; Complex formation
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