Mechanism of ionized calcium (iCa) in odontogenesis stunting children: Review article including a new theory for future studies on eruption rate in stunting children
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 543–549
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0475
Publication history:
Received on 22 April 2022; revised on 23 May 2022; accepted on 26 May 2022
Introduction: The normal development of the craniofacial complex can be predicted by the eruption rate. Delayed eruption is a condition that is associated with stunting. Stunting is caused by a decrease in extracellular serum iCa levels due to Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED), inadequate nutrition, and hormonal dysfunction. Calcium is 99 % of hydroxyapatite's composition. Dental Pulp Cells stem cell (DPCs), osteoblasts, and osteoclasts are all highly affected by extracellular calcium (iCa) levels, because there was calcium channels and receptors are found in their membranic. The aim of the review is to discuss how iCa influences the odontogenic process and the eruption pattern in stunting children.
Methodology: Literature review and theoretical approach using data from Sci-Direct, GoogleScholar, and PubMed, which have been extracted using the PRISMA technique for articles based on keywords.
Result: The procedure of searching for data using an online data base resulting obtained a total of 295 articles found from 2002–2022. At the feasibility stage, 295 articles have been screened and reviewed according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria, which are related to the keyword study of the literature in the search strategy. 26 articles were finally chosen to be analyzed.
Conclussion: iCa influences odontogenesis and eruption processes in Stunting Children. Serum iCa decreased in stunting children.
Ionized Calcium (iCa); Stunting; Eruption Teeth
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