Long-distance hand tractor controlled by android system in Wetland Field

Widi Handoko 1, Amin Rejo 2, * and Tamaria Panggabean 2

1 Master Program of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera, Indonesia.
2 Study Program of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 609–615
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.3038
Publication history: 
Received on 23 August 2024; revised on 01 October 2024; accepted on 03 October 2024
Modernization of agricultural practices is essential to overcome challenges such as decreasing agricultural labor and decreasing agricultural land in Indonesia. This research examines the development and performance of a hand tractor that is controlled remotely via an Android-based system using the NodeMCU ESP8266 module and a WiFi network. This study focuses on the technical and operational performance of hand tractors in wetlands. Modifications were made to the tractor, by installing three DC motors to control the clutch and gas levers. Tests were carried out on the control system accuracy and response time to assess the system's suitability for field operations. The research results show that the Android system has 100% accuracy in executing all commands given, but the response time decreases as the distance between the Android device and the WiFi module increases, with an average delay reaching 6,8 seconds for a maximum 100 m distance. Field efficiency testing shows that a tractor with Android control has a work efficiency of 70.48% in the plowing process and 75.33% in the harrowing process, lower than with manual control which reaches an efficiency of more than 95%. Despite response delays and reduced efficiency, the system is an important step toward agricultural mechanization, especially in labor-intensive wetlands.
System control; Android; Hand tractor; Field efficiency
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