Locomotive maintenance facility layout design using systematic layout planning method: Case study of Semarang Poncol locomotive depot

Ferdy Kusumawardana *, Arfan Bakhtiar and Singgih Saptadi

Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 743–756
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1876
Publication history: 
Received on 06 August 2023; revised on 14 September 2023; accepted on 16 September 2023
The Locomotive Depot has a maintenance layout with 6 main lines as maintenance lines. The layout of the facilities is also a problem at the Semarang Poncol locomotive depot because only 1 line can effectively carry out maintenance and repairs so this is a disadvantage because of the dense queue of locomotives wishing to be on duty carrying out daily checks or monthly checks. The problem is that these 3 routes are often 2 of which are not maximized properly and are only used as a place to wait for the repair process and 1 route is effective as a place for maintenance. The Systematic Layout Planning method is a method that plans the layout. The aim of arranging facilities is to increase work productivity and optimize the use of facilities such as work areas, machines and labor. One way to design a facility layout is to pay attention to the sequence of processes and the degree of closeness between units in the facility to be designed. Then, to calculate material handling at the Semarang Poncol Locomotive Depot using the systematic layout planning method, the results obtained from calculating material handling costs from the Semarang Poncol Locomotive Depot were Rp. 99,990/meter and for material handling equipment data, forklifts require material handling costs of Rp. 3,759,649 and for the high diesel speed (HSD) pump requires material handling costs of Rp. 84,288. For the proposed space requirements for each department or room, starting from the spare parts warehouse, the distance changes after calculating 0. Then the used spare parts warehouse changes the distance by -4.7, the lubricant warehouse by -0.1 and the fuel tank by +12.1. Space requirements are seen from the process (towards the maintenance route) after calculating the varying space requirements. From the very first lubricant warehouse and workshop, the distance change after calculating -3. Then followed by TPS B3 used lubricant of -1.9. Then the tool space is +1.1. Then the monitoring room is -5.5. Then the backup generator is -1.5. Furthermore, warehouse facilities are -6. Then the KR/staff space is -3.6. Then the TPS B3 filter is -0.3. Then the rotary spoiler is +13.4 and finally the lubricant warehouse II is +6.3 m2. With these calculations, after carrying out various data processing calculations, the proposed calculation using the systematic layout planning method is in accordance with the character of the Semarang Poncol Locomotive Depot as a service workshop owned by PT. Indonesian Railways. The proposal submitted to the Semarang Poncol Locomotive Depot can be used as a reference in designing the layout of the existing facilities at the Semarang Poncol Locomotive Depot in order to shorten the process flow and material flow for the maintenance process.
Systematic Layout Planning (SLP); Facilities Layout; Maintenance Planning
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