The lived experience of menopause and journeying to the other side.
Regent’s University London, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS United Kingdom.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(02), 580–590
Publication history:
Received on 16 September 2024; revised on 31 October 2024; accepted on 02 November 2024
This qualitative research was conducted through the lens of a reflective thematic analysis to explore the experiences of women during menopause. Historically menopause has been viewed through a medical lens, and a process women generally pass through with age. The lifespan of women living later in life after menopause is increasing significantly; and women’s healthcare is receiving more attention, globally. The menopause experience in this research draws upon the narratives from interviews with five women. Key findings from the analysis were themes highlighting the profound impact menopause has on biological, psychological, and social well-being. Three themes emerged from a reflective thematic analysis of the collected data: World turning upside down; Passing through menopause; Who am I now? Data resulting found the menopause experience is situated within a complex intersection of biology and psychosocial phenomena. Prolonged ageing has opened a gap in research informing how to improve the quality of women’s healthcare and well-being during this significant time in life. This study highlights that further research is needed to explore menopause as phenomena intersecting the disciplines of biology, psychology, and social constructs.
Reflective Thematic Analysis; Qualitative; Menopause; Change of Life; Women’s Experiences
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