LIDO: A universal language
RIADI Lab, National School of Computer Science, Manouba University Campus, Tunisia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 361–364
Publication history:
Received on 28 March 2023; revised on 07 May 2023; accepted on 09 May 2023
LIDO is a Metamodeling language for developing IoT solutions. It is a set of concepts of high-level abstraction. LIDO makes it possible that people with different technical backgrounds and IoT culture to come together around the development of IoT solutions. LIDO allows people of different disciplines, having different viewpoints, to come together to discuss and reflect on the modeling and implementation of an IoT solution. This article presents the philosophy underlying LIDO that makes it a universal language allowing sustainable development.
LIDO; Modelling; Metamodeling language; IoT culture; Universal IoT Language
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