Legal consequences of making of electronic notary deeds on the authenticity of the deed
Civil Law Department, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 315–320
Publication history:
Received on 27 April 2023; revised on 04 June 2023; accepted on 06 June 2023
The rapid development of technology and information requires that various human activities be carried out electronically. Likewise, there are arrangements regarding notaries in making electronic deeds, but the arrangements are still unclear. This creates legal uncertainty regarding the legal consequences of making an electronic notarial deed on the authenticity of the deed. The problem of this research is how the legal consequences of making a notarial deed on the authenticity of the deed. The research method used is normative juridical by conducting library and field research to obtain secondary and primary data related to the arrangement and implementation of making authentic deeds and the legal consequences for the authenticity of deeds. The results of the study show that there are still different interpretations of the authenticity of notarial deeds made electronically, especially regarding the obligation of the parties to appear before a notary. In this case, there is something that means you have to face conventionally. If it is done electronically, it will result in a violation, so that the deed made is not an authentic deed. On the other hand, there are those who argue that parties dealing with a notary can be done electronically. This difference in views creates legal uncertainty, so that notaries do not yet have the courage to make deeds electronically.
Authentic Deed; Notary; Electronic
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