Knowledge of NOM-041-SSA2-2011 in health students
1 Faculty of Medicine Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla (FMBUAP), Mexico.
2 Emiliano Zapata High School Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(03), 399–402
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.3.0294
Publication history:
Received on 24 May 2021; revised on 26 June 2021; accepted on 28 June 2021
Introduction: The breast cancer is from the 2006 first cause of death by malignant neoplasies in México. The survival of the mammary carcinoma depends mainly on the preventive actions that are carried out; due to the lack of technological infrastructure in our country, the herself breast exploration, is the method more used and recommended for the opportune detection of the Cancer (CaMA).
Objective: Knowledge of NOM-041-SSA2-2011 in health students.
Material and Methods: A study non comparative to 105 students was made descriptive, cross-sectional applying them to a questionnaire that included social-demographic variables and questions with respect to the correct application of the herself exploration technique as well as questions about the practice, personal opinion of the same one and with base to the NOM-041-SSA2-2011; In the application test on line date April – May 2021.
Results: With respect to the level of knowledge with function to the ages, the level between the 18 and the 20 years was deficient with respect to herself breast exploration (CaMA). It is important note that with respect to the scholastic degree there was a deficient level of knowledge about of the breast exploration in the second and 6 to fourth month period in the students of the area of the health.
Knowledge; cancer, breast; students
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