The irreplaceable role of coronavirus carriers in its transmission and in second wave of infection
Cancer Research Institute, BMC, SAS, Bratislava, Dubravska cesta 9, 84505 Slovakia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(03), 226-228
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.9.3.0106
Publication history:
Received on 10 February 2021; revised on 12 March 2021; accepted on 14 March 2021
At present, the fight against the virus is focused on early diagnosis and vaccination, which are indispensable and essential methods in finding a viable solution. However, these are virtually defensive reactions. The virus reigns. We have turned the parasite into the king, practically having become its hostages. The new coronavirus pandemic is not over yet. The second wave has hit and is in full swing, with the third wave lurking around the corner or having already erupted. In most parts of the world, the second wave has proven to be much stronger than what we saw in spring 2020. There is a general perception that the definition of the second wave cannot be adequately expressed as there remains a lot of uncertainty and ambiguity, even among the scientific community. However, this phenomenon needs to be explained as it will help clarify the pandemic of the new coronavirus.
coronavirus epidemic; second wave of infection; virus carriers, virus elimination; intestinal track; rectal infection
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