IoT role in women safety: A systematic literature review
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Karkala, Karnataka, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Chitradurga, Karnataka, India
3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Hiriyur, Karnataka, India
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 513–521
Publication history:
Received on 27 May 2022; 23 September 2022; accepted on 26 September 2022
Safety has become a major concern for women, children, and even the elderly from all walks of life. Today, women can compete with men in every field, but unfortunately, this progress often comes at the cost of abuse, harassment, and brutality in public places and even at home. Women are not always allowed to leave their homes freely or go to work in peace. In such situations, they may feel helpless and unable to protect themselves or alert their family, neighbors, or the police. Due to the lack of safety measures, crime rates against women and children in India have risen to unprecedented levels. Therefore, systems must be in place to protect them during such times. Greater awareness and technological support are needed to reduce the number of crimes against women and children.The Internet of Things (IoT) is playing a key role in improving women’s safety through various innovative applications and technologies. This review was conducted based on research articles published in reliable media, such as journal articles and conference papers. The results showed that different types of sensors are used to detect women’s conditions, including pulse, movement, and body temperature, which can pose safety issues. Pressure sensors are the most commonly used in these devices. Moreover, these devices transmitted alerts using various technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). These were connected to small computers, such as Raspberry Pi, and microcontrollers, such as Arduino.
IoT; GSM; GPS; Sensors; Raspberry Pi; Arduino
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