IoT-based smart infant baby cradle using IR IP-camera

Ibrar Ahmad 1, *, Syed Jabir Hussain 1, Safeer Ullah 1, Waqas Ali Shah 1, Hamid Ali 1, Umar Waqar 1 and Shah Fahad 2

1 Center of Excellence in IT, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan.
2 Center of Excellence in IT, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(03), 1001-1014
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.3.1418
Publication history: 
Received on 12 November 2022; revised on 26 December 2022; accepted on 29 December 2022

With the evolution of the internet of things and headway technologies like android phones and sensors every single thing got coupled and get controlled through the internet distantly, but at the same time the number of family member workers is also incremented. infant baby needs parental aid 24/7 to monitor different actions and check different parameters distantly but it is impractical, especially for those Parents/Caretakers who work outside of the home. So, there is a need for a system through which Parents/Caretaker can aid their infant baby and see infant babies’ activities distantly in real time about different parameters and conditions of the infant baby. The proposed system is a smart infant Baby Cradle using IoT Technology that sends an alert notification to the Parent/Caretaker. In the proposed system IR IP-Camera is used to seize an infant baby in the real environment even at night. The proposed system is able to sense an infant baby’s scream using a Microphone Module for 10 seconds, the temperature of the infant’s environment, sense urine in meters ultrasonic sensor, automate the opening and closing of mosquitoes’ net to sense mosquitoes and other harmful parasites using PIR sensor, infant baby Mass using weighting Scale, automatic fan, toys and music to entertain infant baby. The power bank is used to aid infant baby’s in case of lack of electricity. Finally, all these sensors and components are physically connected through Arduino AT Mega 2560. When sensors sense then it updates data onto the database server and notifies her/his Parent/Caretaker using HC-05 Blue-tooth and GSM SIM900A-D57 Module. The proposed system is able to keep all recorded history for one month.

IR IP-Camera; Mosquito-Net; Ultrasonic Sensor; PIR-Sensor; Automatic Fan; Power Bank; Arduino AT MEGA 2560; HC-05 Blue-tooth Module; GSM SIM900A-D57 Module; Record history
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