Integration of the Kansei engineering method and quality function deployment in the design of a food dough mixer machine

Sanny Andjar Sari 1, *, Salammia Londong Allo 2 and Mujiono 2

1 Industrial Engineering Dipl. III, Faculty of Industrial Technology, National Institute of Technology Malang, Indonesia.
2 Industrial Engineering S1 Degree, Faculty of Industrial Technology, National Institute of Technology Malang, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 155–161
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0237
Publication history: 
Received on 28 December 2022; revised on 05 February 2023; accepted on 07 February 2023
The Apple Dodol home industry, located in Tegalwaru village, Dau, Batu City, is an apple Dodol home industry because the raw material for apples is relatively abundant in Batu city. This snack results from more efficient apples with higher economic value. The increase in the use value of apples is through processing various souvenir products, including apple cider, apple Dodol, and apple chips. The process of making Dodol is still using the manual method. The mixing of the ingredients is still using workers with manual equipment, causing the condition of workers to feel fatigued quickly because the mixing process takes 4-5 hours. Therefore, a proper machine is needed to help the Dodol mixing process.
The method used is Kansei Engineering Type I with the following stages: determining the Kansei Word, testing its validity and reliability, compiling the Semantic Differential (SD) Scale Structure, and compiling SD 1 Kansei Word. The scale used is a 5-point scale, as it is easier for respondents to understand. Illustrations of similar or uniform products to be designed are put together, and sorted items and categories are then applied to make technical specifications using the Quality Function Deployment method.
Based on the test results, the difference in the standard output of the two tools was 0.33 kg/hour, so an increase in the percentage of standard output was obtained by 49%. The use of this semi-automatic Dodol mixer is practical and convenient. The mixer can be removed, making it easier to clean the machine and easy to move as it has wheels on the tool frame.
Kansei Engineering; QFD; Design; Mixing Machine
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