The influence of the maturity level of coconut fresh fruit bunches palm oil to price sell and income in Saleh Mulya Village, Air Saleh District, Banyuasin Regency

Abdul Raup 1 and Nurilla Elysa Putri 2, *

1 Study Program Agribusiness, Faculty Agriculture, University Srivijaya, Indonesia.
2 Majors Social Economy Agriculture, Faculty Agriculture, University Srivijaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.3.3845
Publication history: 
Received on 08 November 2024; revised on 14 December 2024; accepted on 16 December 2024
The purpose of this thesis is to find out and describe what factors influence the maturity level of palm oil FFB in Saleh Mulya Village, Air Saleh District, Banyuasin Regency so that the author can also see the level of income of oil palm farmers in Saleh Mulya Village, Air Saleh District, Banyuasin Regency. The respondents taken by the author were oil palm farmers who had a minimum land area of 1 Ha and still lived in Saleh Mulya Village, Air Saleh District, so the number of samples in this study was 30 samples and the samples were drawn deliberately or purposively sampling. The research method used in this thesis is description and income calculation. where researchers describe things that influence the level of maturity of oil palm fruit based on data obtained from interviews with farmers in Saleh Mulya Village are harvesting time, transportation, transport distance, harvesting rotation and the type of seeds used, where each factor has a different level of influence. The author also carried out income calculations and obtained an average income from oil palm farming of IDR 54,429,267/year, average income from non-oil palm farming was IDR 24,066,667/year and average non-farming income was IDR 35,000,000. So the average total household income is IDR 85,495,933/year.
Income; Palm Oil; Transportation; Harvest rotation; Maturity factors
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