The influence of instructional supervision on quality of teaching in public and private primary schools in Luweero town Council, Uganda

Bundi Titus 1, Asiimwe Specioza 1, *, Mugyenyi Edison 2 and Asiimwe Tina 3

1 Graduate School Department of Education, Bugema University, Uganda.
2 College of Education, Open, Distance and E-Learning, Kampala International University-Uganda.
3 Department of Education, Nkumba University, Uganda.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 313–319
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1687
Publication history: 
Received on 24 April 2024 revised on 01 June 2024; accepted on 03 June 2024
The study was on the influence of instructional supervision on quality of teaching in public in public and private primary schools in Luweero Town Council, Luweero District, Uganda. The study used descriptive-cross sectional research design and utilized self-administered questionnaire, interview and check list guide. The study indicated a total mean of 3.60 and SD of 0.54 for private primary schools whereas public primary schools had a total mean of 3.82 and SD of 0.48 for instructional supervision and a total mean of 3.35 and SD of 0.49 for private primary schools whereas public primary schools had a total mean of 3.58 and SD of 0.62 for quality teaching. The first hypothesis reject on basis of child centered, discussion and cooperative learning with p value respectively 0.000, 0.002 and 0.000 and was accepted on the basis of demonstration on the basis of p value of 0.390; since t-critical < computed t-value the second null hypotheses was accepted. The study concluded that there is no significant influence of instructional supervision on teaching quality and was reject on basis of checking learner’s book, holding model teaching session and post-conference discussion and the null hypothesis was accepted since t-critical < computed t-value was accepted on the basis of lesson observation, checking teachers’ professional records and staff appraisal. The researcher made recommended that school administrators should ensure that teachers in their schools use learner centered method of teaching. The government should increase teachers’ salaries and provide house allowance for the teachers.   Public and private primary schools should benchmark from the performing primary schools around the study area.
Instructional; Supervision; Quality; Public; Private; Teaching
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