The influence of digital products on the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon

Robert Tayong Takwi *

Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, University of Buea – Cameroon.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 1789-1804
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.3.3875
Publication history: 
Received on 09 November 2024; revised on 16 December 2024; accepted on 18 December 2024
Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the influence of digital products on the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon. Four digital products of microfinance institutions were involved in the analysis. These are digital payments, digital savings, digital credits and digital insurance. The performance of microfinance institutions included the financial performance and the social performance of the institutions. Specifically, the study investigated how digital payments, digital savings, digital credits and digital insurance influence the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon.
Materials and Methods: The study adopted the survey research design and used primary data collected from 201 microfinance institutions in Cameroon through the administration of questionnaires. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of SPSS Version 20, STATA Version 14 and AMOS Version 23.
Findings: The results of the study revealed that digital payments, digital savings and digital credits have significant positive influence on the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon while digital insurance has a negative influence on the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon, though this negative influence was found to be insignificant.
Conclusion and Recommendations: The study concludes that digital products significantly influence the performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon. To the microfinance institutions operating in Cameroon, the study recommends that more investment should be made on digital payments, digital savings and digital credits in order to improve the performance of the institutions.
Digital Products; Digital Payments; Digital Credit; Performance; Microfinance Institutions
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