Impact of service quality and network quality on brand switching behaviour: With reference to internet service providers

Sajanee Pandula Bulumulle, Sanduni Navodya Mahadewa, Mihidu Dhananjaya Herath, Tharindu Prabath Nishshanka and Danisha Hansani De Mel *

Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 562–570
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.2.0848
Publication history: 
Received on 14 July 2022; revised on 19 August 2022; accepted on 21 August 2022
Market across the world shows there is a competition between internet service brands due to new entrants. To minimize the number of brand switchers, internet service providers must attract customers and deliver an excellent service performance. Even though the number of internet service providers has reduced, competition remains fierce, primarily in the areas of innovative technologies. Established objective of the research seeks the impact among overall quality dimensions which are service quality and network quality towards brand switching behavior. Accordingly, the researchers interrogated interaction quality, physical environmental quality, outcome quality and network quality as independent variables and brand switching behavior as the dependent variable. Statistical evidence of this study demonstrates an understandable theoretical framework of the customer switching behavior pattern that is influenced by quality dimensions. The research study was constructed on the basis of existing theories and then statistically tested; hence this study employed quantitative approach. The target population of this study is comprised by consumers who use different Internet Service Provides (ISPs) in Sri Lanka. Customer who obtains the service of ISPs is identified as the unit of analysis. Responses were gathered using the convenience sampling technique over a cross-sectional time horizon. Questionnaire was distributed among 273 and the final sample consists of 183 responses. Accordingly, this study results shows physical environmental quality and network quality impacted negatively while interaction and outcome quality impacted positively towards brand switching behaviour. The findings of the study have implications for internet service providers in their efforts to expand their user base and, more importantly, to maintain customers’ interest towards the organization.\
Brand switching; Broadband; Network quality; Service quality
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