Impact of school meals in Bangladesh

Murshedul Arafin *

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, City University, Khagan, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(03), 256–269
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.3.2663
Publication history: 
Received on 22 July 2024; revised on 26 August 2024; accepted on 29 August 2024
School meals are an excellent way to provide impoverished kids with essential nutrition. School meals are a critical component of children's nutrition and better health in the long run. Through school meals, children are encouraged to improve their nutrition, make healthy food choices, and develop good eating habits. A child's ability to study is negatively impacted when they arrive at class hungry. A school meal program is a means of giving kids wholesome food while they're in school. Through government-arranged programs, the majority of developing and developed nations allocate a portion of their resources to mealing schoolchildren. Social scientists and nutritionists have long acknowledged a causal relationship between children's learning capacity and their nutritional status. Therefore, the system of offering free or subsidized school meals is seen as essential to the government. Currently, substantial financial resources are being allocated by governments and development partners in both developing and wealthy nations to provide free school meals to underprivileged children. Children gain from school meals because they reduce hunger in the classroom, decrease laziness and sustenance deficiencies, and increase school enrollment and attendance. A vital element promoting both education and health is mealing kids nutritious meals at school. School meals at school have shown to be an investment in children's and their families' future prosperity as well as a potent platform for the growth of entire communities. These programs, when incorporated into all-encompassing school health and nutrition strategies, can offer safety nets that support and maintain social protection, sustainable food systems, gender empowerment, high-quality education, and economic growth.
School Meals; Bangladesh; Education; Nutrition; Children
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