The impact of marketing mix on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as mediating variable
Faculty of Business Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 162–177
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1535
Publication history:
Received on 22 June 2023; revised on 29 July 2023; accepted on 31 July 2023
The drastic changes that have taken place in Indonesia have changed human lives. Humans who are already dependent on using plastic bags, should slowly reduce the use of plastic bags by the government. Due to government regulations, many companies that produce plastic bags and shops that sell plastic bags suffer losses. Therefore, plastic bag companies and shops that sell plastic bags must be clever in managing their marketing. This study was influenced by previous research that sought the effect of marketing mix (4P) on customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction. This research was conducted to understand the impact of marketing mix on customer loyalty in Surabaya, using customer satisfaction as a mediator. This research uses quantitative research methods, with 100 respondents aged 17 years or older, who have used plastic bags and lived in Surabaya. Respondents will fill in the questionnaire given using the Google form. This research found that the product has an impact on customer satisfaction; price has an impact on customer satisfaction; place has an impact on customer satisfaction; promotion has an impact on customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction has an impact on customer loyalty; customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between product and customer loyalty; customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between price and customer loyalty; customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between place and customer loyalty; customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between promotion and customer loyalty.
Product; Price; Place; Promotion; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Loyalty
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