The Impact of Integrating Math Skills into Physical Education Lessons on the Math Achievement of Undergraduate Students

Krunal B. Patel * and Tejash U. Chaudhari

Department of Basic sciences and Humanities, College of Agriculture, NAU, Waghai, Gujarat state, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(03), 491–495
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.11.3.0377
Publication history: 
Received on 15 July 2021; revised on 09 September 2021; accepted on 12 September 2021
This study investigated the impact of integrating math skills into physical education lessons on the math achievement of Undergraduate students in two classes. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in math performance between the experimental group, which received the integrated PE/Math instruction, and the control group. Despite the lack of statistical significance, practical observations indicated a need for further research to better understand the potential benefits and effectiveness of this instructional approach.
Math Achievement; Physical Education; Undergraduate Students; Math Skills Integration; Interdisciplinary Learning
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