Impact of calcification on potato yield
Faculty of Technology, Department for Agriculture, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 185–189
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0561
Publication history:
Received on 26 September 2021; revised on 06 November 2021; accepted on 08 November 2021
By seed surfaces according to the information the Federal Bureau of Statistics and the Institute of Statistics Republic of Srpska of the total area under vegetables potatoes occupies 57% sowing area, so that after the corn and wheat, potatoes the most important agricultural plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Most are lighter types of land - permeable, loose, sandy-humus and sandy-clay ground with crumb structure, rich in mineral and organic matter, with favorable water – air characteristics. Does not match his tough swampy lands with a high level of underground water. Tolerate acid soil reaction, and the optimum pH is 5,4-6,5.
Given that the area of Tuzla canton mainly acid soil with pH values from 4.5 to 5.5 made the production of a sample on the plot that had a pH value of 4.6 as a material for the reparation of land or quality of calcification was Fertdolomit in order to increase in pH, after you apply Fertdolomit analysis has found that the increased pH value to 5.8.
Calcification is a measure of repair of chemical properties of soil, primarily reducing its acidity, ie. bringing the pH value to the optimum level for the cultivation of certain plant species calcium use of fertilizers. At the same time, this measure of the repair water-air, mechanical, physical and biological properties of soil.
Reflected in the potatoes plant in four different variants: the control, with the use of 40 t / ha of manure, the use of 40 t / ha manure and NPK 7:20:30 400 kg / ha and the use of manure 40 t / ha, NPK 7:20: 30 in the amount of 400 kg / ha with supplements Fertdolomit in the amount of 3 t / ha.
The results reflected a big point to the importance of calcification in the production of potatoes.
Potatoes; Manure; Fertilizer; Calcification; Yield
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