The impact of alcohol consumption on employee job performance

Meena Gyawali 1 Ravi Roshan Khadka 2 Ayesha Mujeeb Rahiman 3 and Ambika Ajish Nair 3

1 Department of Public Health, Jalalabad State University, Medical Faculty, Jalalabad, Kyrgystan.
2 Department of Surgery, Jalalabad State University, Medical Faculty, Jalalabad, Kyrgystan.
3 Medical Students; Jalalabad State University, Medical Faculty, Jalalabad, Kyrgystan.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 667–673
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0750
Publication history: 
Received on 27 January 2024; revised on 03 March 2024; accepted on 06 March 2024
Background: Most people know that job performance generally refers to how well an employee is accomplishing his or her tasks and achieve the target, but there are number of factors that determine the level and quality of employee job performance.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of Alcohol consumption on the self-reported work performance among the people of Jalalabad, Kyrgystan.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done through online Google forms for a period of 3 months from September to November 2023 among 160 local people. Various dimensions of work performance are compared across different levels of alcohol consumption in the study.
Result: In this study the respondents age range was 20-40 years with mean age of 30±1 years. Out of 160 respondents, male predominance was found over females with 68.1%. The largest percentage 67.5% of them consume alcohol due the stress they have in their Job. Most respondents 67.5% were found to have no family history of drinking alcohol. Regarding the impact of their job performance, only 23.9%(n=28) respondents experiences a significant impact on their job performance.
Conclusion: Our study into the impact of alcohol drinking among Jalalabad residents revealed a concerning prevalence of 73% of the 160 respondents. This emphasizes the importance of targeted interventions, community education, and support networks in addressing alcohol's influence on the local population's well-being. Understanding and tackling the underlying causes of alcohol misuse in Jalalabad will be critical to building a better and more resilient community.
Alcohol; Consumption; Job Performance; Ethical; Statistical
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