The impact of advertising on consumer behavior
Mihir Bhoj PG College, Dadri, G.B. Nagar, Dadri, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(03), 706–711
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.3.0577
Publication history:
Received on 03 May 2022; revised on 24 June 2022; accepted on 26 June 2022
Advertising plays a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior, as it has the potential to shape consumer perceptions, attitudes, and purchase decisions. The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between advertising and consumer behavior, specifically focusing on the various dimensions of consumer behavior influenced by advertising strategies. There is a dearth of research examining the influence of digital advertising and social media advertising on consumer behavior, which is increasingly relevant in the digital age. This study adopts a mixed methods research design to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of advertising on consumer behavior. The research findings demonstrate that advertising has a significant impact on consumer behavior. The analysis revealed a positive correlation between advertising exposure, consumer attitudes, and purchase intentions, emphasizing the persuasive power of advertising in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing their decision-making process. Overall, this study contributes to the existing literature on the impact of advertising on consumer behavior and provides valuable insights for practitioners and researchers alike.
Advertising; Consumer Behavior; Advertising Exposure; Consumer Attitudes; And Purchase Intentions; Persuasive Power
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