Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae: Characteristic and clinical perspective
1 Department Biomedical Science Post Graduate Programs, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
3 Department Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 625–630
Publication history:
Received on 31 May 2023; revised on 06 July 2023; accepted on 08 July 2023
Background: Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae (hvKP). A virulent pathogen that has the ability to infect individuals in various age, has multiple ports of entry and cause infectious syndromes. Therefore urges an increase awareness and perspective on the characteristics and clinical feature of hvKP, to better understanding and providing appropriate treatment in cases of infection caused by hvKP.
Main Text: Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae (hvKP) was first reported in Taiwan in 1986. This bacteria was responsible for liver abscess with septic endophthalmitis, of these cases some of patient have extrahepatic complications such as meningitis pneumonia, prostate abscess and pyogenic ophthalmia. There are several virulence factors hvKP such as, capsule as the main defensive factor, aerobactin provide iron supply and Colibactin can suppressing the activity of regulatory T lymphocyte cells, could improve survival hvKP by avoid the process of phagocytosis, complement, antimicrobial peptides and specific antibodies. The pathophysiology and clinical factors of hvKP showed similar symptom to conventional cKP except liver access and infectious syndrom.
Conclusion: The threat of Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae (hvKP) increases worldwide due the virulence factors more vary compared to conventional cKP. Consequently, special measures such as vaccine need to be develop in order to eradicate this pathogen particularly among pediatric patient.
Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae; Liver Abscess; Hypermucoviscous; Capsular polysaccharides; hvKP
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