Hematocolpos- variations: Case report

E. Soldatou 1, D. Mavroeidi 1, N. Perdikari 1, P, A.Nikolopoulou 1 , St. Rokkos 2 and Gr. Hadjopoulos 3, *

1 Pediatric Department, General Hospital of Lefkas, National Health System of Greece.
2 X-Ray Department, General Hospital of Lefkas, National Health System of Greece.
3 Gynecology Department, General Hospital of Lefkas, National Health System of Greece.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 031–043
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1334
Publication history: 
Received on 22 March 2024; revised on 29 April 2024; accepted on 01 May 2024
Hemato/hydrocolpos is an obstruction of the menstrual flow due to an anomaly of the genital tract, with imperforate hymen being the most common one, which is found in neonatal, infant, and adolescent girls. Diagnosis is often missed or delayed due to its rare incidence and nonspecific symptoms (usually misdiagnosed as constipation. In case of late diagnosis/ misdiagnosis and/or delay in treatment, late complications such as tubal adhesion, pelvic endometriosis, and infertility may develop. This article aimed to review the diagnosis and treatment of these urogenital anomalies by describing embryology, clinical presentation, imaging findings, surgical management, and postoperative outcomes.
Hematocolpos; Hemoperitoneum; Imperforated Vaginal Hymen; Septum Vaginalis.
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