Health status of incoming students at FES-I

Guillermina Arenas-Montaño, Ariel Ramirez-Cortes * and Alba Luz Robles-Mendoza

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Higher Education Iztacala, México.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(03), 001-007
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.9.3.0047
Publication history: 
Received on 21 January 2021; revised on 10 February 2021; accepted on 12 February 2021
Introduction: The health diagnosis performed by the POSALUD service, in the EMA to incoming students, allows the development of protocols for care and prevention of diseases and habits that may jeopardize the health of students and thus their academic performance. Objective: To analyze the state of health with which first-year students enter FES-I. 
Methodology: Based on Supo's taxonomy, this is an observational, cross-sectional, analytical and prospective study. Dietary habits, oral hygiene, consumption of harmful substances, recreational activities, sleep quality and contraceptive use were analyzed by frequency according to gender.
Results: Women reported a significantly higher prevalence (p<0.050) in the consumption of food prepared at home, oral hygiene, alcohol consumption and smoking. They also reported a low frequency of physical and cultural activities. The majority of the students reported a good quality of physiological sleep, finally the students with sexual life, the majority reported using a contraceptive method almost always,in the latter there was no statistical significance.
Conclusion: The studies provide a diagnosis that allows the university health programs to provide integral attention to the students, promoting prevention as the main working tool in the PROSALUD service. 
Eating habits; Oral hygiene; Smoking; Alcoholism; Students
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