Happiness and people’s perception towards Indian stand-up and comedy shows: An analytical study of Delhi

Ajay Kumar *, Sofiya Khan and Tanushka Soni

Department of Political Science, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 814–824
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0280
Publication history: 
Received on 06 January 2023; revised on 18 February 2023; accepted on 21 February 2023
Indian stand-up and comedy shows are popular sources of entertainment and provide happiness which may be defined as funny programs on national TV channels or YouTube. Comedy is considered an art and known as one of the most powerful forms of expression for telling the truth to power. In India, personal, societal, and political satire-related stand-up and comedy shows are highly popular. According to World Happiness Report 2022, India got 136th rank which is tenth from the bottom of the list. It means Indians may have many problems in their day-to-day life such as illness, disease, a stressful workload, and many others. So, to escape from stressful life it is significant to remember the universal desire for happiness and in such circumstances, stand-up and comedy shows may be considered more valuable in India. That is why people have become dependent on comedy shows on TV or stand-up comedy shows on YouTube channels in the pro-technological era to attain happiness. Most people prefer to watch these shows online and offline, on the other hand most of them dislike the same due to the serving of vulgarity, titillation, sexuality, sexual abuse, body shaming, obscenity, casteist comments, etc. in these stand-up and comedy shows by which a clean comedy is getting decline. Therefore, knowing the perception of people has become a serious issue for investigation. A sample of Delhi-based people was selected for the study and a survey was applied to determine the factors that predict the perception of the people regarding stand-up and comedy shows in India in terms of their happiness.
Comedy shows; Comment; Double-meaning; Happiness; Jokes; Perception; Standup
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