Growth performance and nutrient content analysis of two Volvariella species cultivated on rice straw substrate

Jyothi Kanchan AS *

Department of Botany, Christian College, Chengannur, University of Kerala, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01), 1350-1354
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.1.0161
Publication history: 
Received on 16 December 2022; revised on 25 January 2023; accepted on 28 January 2023
Mushrooms possess the capacity to break down and transform various agricultural byproducts into useful materials. The application of mycelial technologies in mushroom cultivation can aid in reducing environmental contamination through bioconversion processes that turn unwanted materials into nutritious food sources by properly processing and reusing spent substrates. Research indicates that more than 70% of agricultural and forestry products are not fully utilized and end up as waste. Mushrooms can transform this substantial ligno-cellulosic biomass waste into edible protein sources. This research investigates the biological efficiency of two Volvariella species cultivated on rice straw substrate. Growing edible fungi, specifically Volvariella volvaceae and Volvariella diplasia, presents a potential answer to insufficient regional food supplies, declining health standards, and increasing environmental degradation. This study aimed to assess the bioefficiency and bioconversion of these two species grown on rice straw as a growth medium. The biological efficiency was determined by calculating the ratio of fresh mushroom weight to air-dry substrate weight. This research also computes the conversion of dry compost to fruiting bodies in Volvariella species cultivated on rice straw. The findings of this study showcase the potential of mushroom cultivation to provide an affordable, high-quality protein food source while simultaneously reducing environmental pollution through the bioconversion of agricultural waste products such as rice straw.
Mushroom; Volvariella; Bioefficiency; Bioconversion; Rice straw; Substrate
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