Grain yield of wheat advanced lines adapted to stress, during the crop season 2017-2018

Guillermo Fuentes-Dávila *, Ivón Alejandra Rosas-Jáuregui, Carlos Antonio Ayón-Ibarra, José Luis Félix-Fuentes, Pedro Félix-Valencia and María Monserrat Torres-Cruz

INIFAP, Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, Apdo. Postal 155, km 12 Norman E. Borlaug between 800 and 900 Yaqui Valley, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 420–427
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1813
Publication history: 
Received on 30 July 2023; revised on 06 September 2023; accepted on 08 September 2023
Twenty five advanced wheat lines which included six groups of sister lines and the commercial durum wheat cultivar Movas C2009 as well as bread wheat cultivar Borlaug 100 were sown on January 16 and 30, 2018, at the Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. Plots consisted of 1 bed 2 m long with two rows and 0.80 m apart without replications, and a seed density of 100 kg ha-1. Average daily temperature (°C), maximum, minimum, relative humidity, rainfall, and cold units were recorded from January 16 to May 15, 2018. The variables evaluated were: days to heading, a thousand grain weight (g), and grain yield per plot (g). The average days for heading of lines was 69 days. The average plant height of the group was 84 cm; lines IWA8612949/3/2*ATILLA*2/PBW65//MURGA and BAV92/SERI showed a height of 100 and 95 cm, respectively. The average a thousand grain weight of the group was 41.3 g; line SOKOLL/3/PASTOR//HXL7573 /2*BAU/4/SOKOLL/WBLL1 showed the highest weight with 46.3 g, followed by IWA8612949/3/2*ATILLA*2 /PBW65//MURGA and CROC_1/AE.SQUARROSA(256)/4/PASTOR//HXL7573/2*BAU/3/WBLL1/5/BABAX/ LR42//BABAX/3/ER2000 with 46.2 and 45.3 g, respectively; while the line FRANCOLIN#1 showed the lowest TGW with 36.2 g. The average grain yield per plot was 339.5 g. Outstanding lines were W15.92/4/PASTOR// HXL7573/2*BAU/3/WBLL1 (442 g), SOKOLL (426 g), and FRANCOLIN#1 (422 g) which were above 5.27 t ha-1. The average temperature was 19.26°C with a maximum of 38.7°C and a minimum of 2.1°C; the average relative humidity was 64.0%; there were 9.1 mm of precipitation, and the number of cold units was 254.
Wheat; Triticum spp.; Grain yield; Stress
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