Giant intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal desmoid tumor

Othman CHAMA 1, 2, *, Rhyan OUADDANE ALAMI 1, 2, Amine BOUCHTIB 1, 2, Mustapha Ahsaini 1, 2, Soufiane Mellas 1, 2, Jalal Eddine El Ammari 1, 2, Mohammed Fadl Tazi 1, 2, Mohammed Jamal El Fassi 1, 2 and Moulay Hasan Farih 1, 2

1 Department of Urology, Hassan II University Hospital, Fez, Morocco.
2 Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry of Fez, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 579–582
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.3.0432
Publication history: 
Received on 04 February 2023; revised on 11 March 2023; accepted on 14 March 2023
Desmoid tumors are extremely rare. They represent 3% of all soft tissue tumors. Giant desmoid tumors are rarely reported in the literature and are a challenge in their therapeutic management.
The radiological evaluation of extension allowed to delimit its extension in depth and its limits of exeresis. In our case, the tumor was surgically resected with simple postoperative care.
This case illustrates the difficulties of managing this entity given its large size.
Giant tumor; Desmoid; Rare pathology; Surgery; Retroperitoneal tumor
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