Geospatial assessment of the impact of climate variability on millet and yam yield in FCT, Abuja
National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 127–140
Publication history:
Received on 16 March 2024 revised on 01 June 2024; accepted on 03 June 2024
The study assessed the adaptive capacity of millet/yam farmers in the six Area Councils of FCT using Geoinformatics. The objectives of the study were to analyze the variation of millet, yam and the climatic elements for the six-area council within the period of study (2000-2021), to analyse the trend of climate characteristics as regards millet and yam yield in Abuja and to establish the relationship between the crop yield and climatic variables under study. Socio-economic indicators were used to map the adaptive capacity of FCT farmers to climate variability from 2000-2021. The arable crops considered are: yam and millet. The selected climatic variables based on their importance to crop production are: rainfall, temperature and relative humidity. Simple computations of sums, annual averages were performed on the climate variables of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity. The result was summarized into annual mean for analysis. The regression result revealed that the variance in, millet and yam respectively be explained by the climatic elements under study. Similarly, of the variance in yam and millet respectively can also be explained by the climatic elements under study. Hence, there is no significant difference in impacts of changes in climatic elements between yam and millet yield. Therefore, it can be concluded that, the trend of climate features varied among the six area councils. The area's relative humidity would only marginally decrease by 2026, according to climate scenario forecast. It is recommended that steps should be taken using locally applied evidence-based technology to prevent uncertainties that might discourage the production of yam and millet by offering improved yam breeds and millet seedlings that are resilient to shocks from climate fluctuations.
Climate change; Millet/Yam; Geoinformatics; Socio-economic; Questionnaires; Cropland Coefficient of variance COV.
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