Geochemical studies of the gold mineralization of Kodiarani-(Doko permit). Prefecture of Siguiri, Administrative region of Kankan, Republic of Guinea

Soryba BANGOURA 1, *, Kandas KEITA 2, Mamadou Oury DIALLO 1 and Abdoulaye Kadiatou DIALLO 1

1 Department of geological services, Higher Institute of Mines and Geology of Boké, Rep. of Guinea.
2 Department of Processing-Metallurgy, Higher Institute of Mines and Geology of Boké, Rep. of Guinea.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(01), 1123–1138
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.1.2151
Publication history: 
Received on 13 September 2023; revised on 24 October 2023; accepted on 27 October 2023
West Africa is now a major player in world gold production with numerous gold deposits hosted in Birimien green belts (2.2-2.0 Ga). However, these belts and their geological formations remain unexplored, as does their evolution during the Eburnean orogeny. This is why, after acquiring its exploration Licence, TOROGOLD focused its work on Air Core drilling activities in the Doko-Kodiarani Licence in north-eastern Guinea. During these activities, geochemical studies will be carried out on rock samples taken from the six (6) boreholes pre-selected for this purpose.
The aim of this research work is to carry out a geological study in order to determine the chemical associations between the mineralization, the nature of the host rock and others for future work. To achieve this objective, we used a number of methods, including a statistical approach, field reconnaissance, and macroscopic and lithogeochemical analyses. Geochemical studies reveal that the rocks studied are meta-sediments. They belong to the schist groups. Their protholites are moderately altered (60 < CIA < 80) and the source is thought to be andesitic and basaltic, emplaced in a geotectonic oceanic island arc. As for the various AC drilling sections, our observations reveal that the gold mineralization is found in two types of deposit: disseminated, present in all lithology’s, and vein-type, resulting from the filling of fracture zones, associated with the highest concentrations. We noted a strong discontinuity of mineralization in these veins, due to a tectonic phase that may have played an important role in the remobilization of gold in these structures.
Birimien; Litho geochemistry; Protholites; Mineralization; Tectonic
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