Gender-based violence and its prevention in university nursing areas

Guillermina Arenas-Montaño 1, *, Elizabeth Alejandrina Guzmán Hernández 2, Ariel Ramírez-Cortes 1, Elmy Alonzo Rodríguez 3, María de los Ángeles Torres Lagunas 4 and Elsy Guadalupe Vega Morales 5

1 National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Higher Education Iztacala, Tlanepantla, State of Mexico, 54090, Mexico.
2 Medical Surgeon Career, Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Tlanepantla, State of Mexico, 54090, Mexico.
3 Autonomous University of Yucatan, Merida, Mexico
3 Nursing and Nursing and Obstetrics Career, Division of Professional Studies ENEO-UNAM. Mexico City, Mexico.
4 Yucatan Health Services, Siglo XXI Temporary Care Center, State Nursing Coordination, Merida Yucatan, Mexico.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 246–252
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0409
Publication history: 
Received on 02 April 2022; revised on 06 May 2022; accepted on 08 May 2022
Gender violence is a public health problem that occurs in all areas of society, especially affecting women. In university spaces, various types of violence are experienced in which force and the exercise of power are used to cause harm to the victims. The consequences that occur are of varying magnitude, including emotional and psychological disturbances, poor academic performance, school dropouts, suicide, and social conflicts. Analyzing and identifying the practices of gender violence in university spaces will allow us to propose strategies to recognize it, prevent it, report it and eradicate it.
Violence; Gender Violence: School Violence: Power and Gender relations
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