Gastric Cancer: 10-Year Survival after Surgery
Surgery Department, Roshal Hospital, Moscow, Russia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 020–032
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0659
Publication history:
Received on 26 October 2021; revised on 30 November 2021; accepted on 02 December 2021
Methods: We analyzed data of 796 consecutive GCP (age=57.1±9.4 years; tumor size=5.4±3.1 cm) radically operated (R0) and monitored in 1975-2021 (m=556, f=240; distal gastrectomies-G=461, proximal G=165, total G=170, D2 lymph node dissection=551; combined G with resection of 1-7 adjacent organs (pancreas, liver, diaphragm, esophagus, colon transversum, splenectomy, small intestine, kidney, adrenal gland, etc.)=245; D3-4 lymph node dissection=245; only surgery-S=623, adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy-AT=173: 5FU+thymalin/taktivin; T1=237, T2=220, T3=182, T4=157; N0=435, N1=109, N2=252, M0=796; G1=222, G2=164, G3=410; early GC=164, invasive GC=632; Variables selected for 10YS study were input levels of 45 blood parameters, sex, age, TNMG, cell type, tumor size. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Differences in curves between groups of GCP were evaluated using a log-rank test. Multivariate Cox modeling, discriminant analysis, clustering, SEPATH, Monte Carlo, bootstrap and neural networks computing were used to determine any significant dependence.
Results: Overall life span (LS) was 2130.8±2304.3 days and cumulative 5-year survival (5YS) reached 58.4%, 10 years – 52.4%, 20 years – 40.4%. 316 GCP lived more than 5 years (LS=4316.1±2292.9 days), 169 GCP – more than 10 years (LS=5919.5±2020 days). 294 GCP died because of GC (LS=640.6±347.1 days). AT significantly improved 10YS (62.3% vs. 50.5%) (P=0.0228 by log-rank test) for GCP. Cox modeling displayed that 10YS of LCP significantly depended on: phase transition (PT) early-invasive GC in terms of synergetics, PT N0—N12, cell ratio factors (ratio between cancer cells- CC and blood cells subpopulations), G1-3, AT, blood cell circuit, prothrombin index, hemorrhage time, residual nitrogen, age, sex, procedure type (P=0.000-0.039). Neural networks, genetic algorithm selection and bootstrap simulation revealed relationships between 10YS and healthy cells/CC (rank=1), PT early-invasive GC (rank=2), PT N0—N12(rank=3), erythrocytes/CC (4), thrombocytes/CC (5), monocytes/CC (6), segmented neutrophils/CC (7), eosinophils/CC (8), leucocytes/CC (9), lymphocytes/CC (10), stick neutrophils/CC (11). Correct prediction of 5YS was 100% by neural networks computing (area under ROC curve=1.0; error=0.0).
Conclusions: 10-Year survival of GCP after radical procedures significantly depended on: 1) PT early-invasive cancer; 2) PT N0--N12; 3) cell ratio factors; 4) blood cell circuit; 5) biochemical factors; 6) hemostasis system; 7) AT; 8) GC characteristics; 9) anthropometric data; 10) surgery type. Optimal diagnosis and treatment strategies for GC are: 1) screening and early detection of GC; 2) availability of experienced abdominal surgeons because of complexity of radical procedures; 3) aggressive en block surgery and adequate lymph node dissection for completeness; 4) precise prediction; 5) adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy for GCP with unfavorable prognosis.
Gastric cancer; 10-Year Survival; Surgery; Prognosis.
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