Future of cloud computing: Innovations in multi-cloud and hybrid architectures
Andhra University, INDIA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 01(01), 068-081
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2019.1.1.0002
Publication history:
Received on 22 December 2018; revised on 20 February 2019; accepted on 23 February 2019
In this article, the author discusses new trends associated with multi-cloud and hybrid cloud realigning Enterprise ICT. I examined complex requirements, multitasking, business benefits of multi-cloud solutions, and hybrid-cloud implementing multiple CSPs with public and private, engaging that multi-cloud and hybrid architectures are how businesses can achieve flexibility, scalability, and great resiliency. Such improvements relate to significant issues like vendor capture, security issues, and runtime performance optimization.
The paper also analyzes some case examples of such enterprises to discuss their experience, lessons learned, and results achieved. In this empirical review, the authors analyze performance indicators, describe potential scenarios, and classify such tactics as valuable in achieving increased critical enterprise flexibility and utilization.
Besides, the discussion covers integration issues, skills shortage, and costs and provides practical solutions for the implementation process. Therefore, while claiming the applicability of the multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud approaches to scalability and security, this article reveals critical facts about their future for the further development of cloud services to enterprises.
Multi-Cloud; Hybrid Cloud; Scalability Solutions; Security Challenges; Cloud Adoption; Enterprise Resilience
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