Frequencies, pattern and knowledge of health-related problems of coffee consumption in Benghazi – Libya

Hanan Mohammed Idris Abdella 1, Sandy Mohamed Mohamed Mebead 1, Marwah Abdulrraziq Abdulghani Salih 1, Mariam Abdul-Kareem Abdul-Wahed Abdul-Nabi 1, Fawzia M Salem Bozaid 1, Seraj Abbas 2 and Ali Ateia Elmabsout 1, *

1 Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya.
2 Higher institutions of medical sciences and technologies, Al-Marj, Libya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 3137-3148
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.3.4032
Publication history: 
Received on 22 November 2024; revised on 28 December 2024; accepted on 31 December 2024
Introduction: Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages global industry in the world and is the second largest traded commodity just behind the oil industry. Consumption of coffee has greatly increased all around the world because of improved cup quality. Now days, coffee is considered a functional food due to its high content of antioxidant. The aim of the this study was to estimate frequencies, pattern of coffee consumption and study the knowledge related health problems of coffee consumption among population.
Method: A cross sectional study conducted on (n=1022) whom consumed coffee in daily manner, conducted from different public places which consist of 327 male and 695 female through using constructed questionnaire. Statistical analysis of data was done by using SPSS " "version 23" and Excel program and the data presented as frequencies and percentages. Chi-square test was performed for statistically significant differences at α< 0. 05.
Results and Discussion: The data collected on 1022 subjects shown that 41. 58% of participants consuming coffee two times a day, the main reason of coffee drinking was clear mind 17. 8%, followed by 15. 2% for increased attention and concentration, 52% of the sample believed that the coffee has both useful and harmful effect on human health. A significant relation has been found between education levels particularly academic people and coffee consumption throughout the day (p<0. 002). Furthermore going to coffee shop reach the peak in age group of 18-30 years old, then decline in the later ages. The significant relationship between number of coffee cups that consumed by participants and educational level in which increased by increasing educational level academic drinking coffee more than primary and preparatory level. The knowledge related health problems of coffee consumption revealed that, 62. 4% and 73. 6% of responses found no relation between HTN and CVD with high consumption of coffee, while 75. 8% strongly agree with that there is relation between high consumption of coffee and peptic ulcer.
Conclusion: The present study revealed that most of the participant usually drink homemade coffee. Furthermore, a significant relation has been found between coffee consumption and academic level and daily intake of coffee. In addition, clear mind and concentration were the main purpose of coffee consumption. Furthermore, some health problems have been reported. In sum, frequency, time consuming and a reason of drinking coffee did not depend on gender and the participant of this study were consumed drink coffee at recommended level.
Coffee consumption; Chemical constituents; Coffee and Health risks; Pattern
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