Formulation and evaluation of a novel controlled release mefenamic acid pluronic lecithin organogel
1 Department of Pharmaceutics, St. Mary's Group of Institution, Deshmukhi (Village), Pochampally (Mandal), Yadadri Bhuvanagiri (Dist), Telangana-508 284, India.
2 St. Mary's Group of Institution, Deshmukhi (Village), Pochampally (Mandal), Yadadri Bhuvanagiri (Dist), Telangana-508 284, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 1226–1238
Publication history:
Received on 11 July 2023; revised on 22 August 2023; accepted on 25 August 2023
Based on pluronic lecithin, PLO gels were established in the present research as a topical carrier for the regulated delivery of mefenamic acid. To explore various factors utilizing In vitro diffusion experiments and in vivo study, ten organized formulations have been created using such methods that used lecithin as a lipophilic phase as well as pluronic F-127 as a hydrophilic phase in variable proportions. The pH values of all formulations were found to be between 5.60 and 5.75, which is nonirritating, and to be off-white, homogeneous, and unwilling to wash off easily. In formulations F1 to F5 (lecithin) but also F6 to F10 (pluronic), an increase in polymer concentration led to a drop in gelation temperature, an increase in viscosity, as well as a reduction within the spreadability of gels with a tendency for polymers to form rigid 3D networks. Higher viscosity organogels have been proven to be more stable and delay drug release from the gel. The formulations of F2 and F3 have been chosen for kinetic tests and stability studies because they had the most significant percentage of drug content and the highest drug release during eight hours, and all physical parameters were found to be within acceptable limits. It was discovered that the order of drug release through different formulations was F1to F10. A drug is removed from the improved formulation F2 in a regulated manner according to zero-order rate kinetics. The optimized mefenamic acid organogel (F2) in vivo anti-inflammatory effectiveness against a commonly used commercial product (Volini gel) was determined to be satisfactory but also significant.
In vitro; Anti-inflammatory; Mefenamic acid; Pluronic; Lecithin; Organogels
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