Factors Influencing Brand Switching in Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh
Department of Economics and Sociology, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1779–1788
Publication history:
Received on 18 January 2024, revised 16 March 2024, and accepted 18 March 2024
Today telecommunications industry is a key indicator of productivity across economies and societies. In recent times, developing nations have witnessed significant transformation within this sector due to the impact it has had on their economies. Higher the degree of competiveness among the brands available to the consumers, higher would be the intensity of brand switching. This research has been conducted in order to examine the factors influencing brand switching in mobile telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been developed a strong base of research. Primary data for research has been collected through an interview schedule from 80 mobile subscribers in Bangladesh. Data were coded and analyzed by using SPSS and Excel. The results of research suggest that service charge is the most influential factor on brand switching in telecommunication sector. Other factors that have been found influential factor on brand switching were poor customer care service of previous operator, occupation and economic circumstances, switching cost, better service availability, wide and strong network. So the mobile operator and other related agencies should provide better service to the customers for reducing brand switching of mobile telecommunication industry in Bangladesh.
Mobile telecommunication industry; Brand switching; Influential factor; Service charge; Customers service
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