Exploring social remittances: A comprehensive review and recommendations for future research
Research Center for Research and Development in Law and Economics, Faculty of Economy, University of Elbasan, Albania.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 477–484
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0657
Publication history:
Received on 17 January 2024; revised on 28 February 2024; accepted on 02 March 2024
This paper combines a variety of academic perspectives on social remittances, analyzing several key studies in the field. Each article is critically reviewed for its primary findings, methods, and limitations, focusing on identifying both the distinct contributions and shared elements among them. The comparative analysis brings to light the various ways social remittances influence and are present in both sending and receiving communities across cultural, economic, political, and social aspects. The paper concludes with strategic recommendations for future research, promoting a multidisciplinary approach, integrating technological advancements, and recognizing the changing nature of global migration. This review aims to provide a detailed guide for future investigations in the area of social remittances, seeking to deepen our comprehension of their complex role in the context of global migration.
Social remittances; Migration studies; Comparative analysis; Literature review
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