Exploring the relationship between practicum challenges and stress levels among bachelor of education with guidance and counselling students in Kenyan Universities

Dr. Lucy Njeri Ngure *

Department of Psychology & Foundations, School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Kabianga. Kenya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2611-2619
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.3.3699
Publication history: 
Received on 05 November 2024; revised on 17 December 2024; accepted on 19 December 2024
This study explores the relationship between challenges faced during practicum and stress levels among Kenyan University students. Utilizing a correlational research design, the study involved 30 fourth-year students pursuing Bachelor of Education with Guidance and Counselling (B. Ed - G&C), selected from a target population of 300 through stratified random sampling. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire comprising two scales: one measuring the challenges experienced during practicum (18 items) and another assessing perceived stress levels (12 items). Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse the data, with correlation analysis revealing a significant relationship between the challenges encountered and the stress levels experienced by the students. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between practicum challenges and stress levels, indicating that as students encountered more challenges during their practicum, their stress levels tended to increase. The challenges faced by students included problems accessing counselling facilities, inadequate time for counselling, and dual roles of counselling and teaching, were prominent and contributed significantly to their stress. The findings underscore the importance of addressing these challenges to reduce stress and enhance the practicum experience, thereby better preparing students for their future roles as helping professionals. This study provides insights into the specific challenges that contribute to stress during practicum and suggests strategies for mitigating their impact on students’ well-being and professional development.
Practicum challenges; Practicum Stress; Student-Counsellors; Student well-being
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