Experimental research
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Pelotas (retired). Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(03), 239-256
Publication history:
Received on 02 October 2022; revised on 30 November 2022; accepted on 03 December 2022
Explanatory research has the goal of verifying a scientific hypothesis regarding the causal relationship between a set of response characteristics and a set of explanatory characteristics of a target population. The experiment is the explanatory research method par excellence. In the experiment, the researcher chooses the levels of one or more explanatory characteristics, associates these levels with the units of the sample by a random process and controls the presence of extraneous characteristics. Thus, the confounding of the effects of extraneous characteristics with the effects of the explanatory characteristics is reduced and its bias is avoided. This sample control has consequences relevant to inferences. This paper outlines the evolution of experimental research, makes a characterization of the experiment, describes the experimental research process and highlights the importance of considering statistical methodology in this process.
History of experimental research; Controlled experiment; Randomization; Experimental design; Experiment process; Experiment protocol; Experimental statistics.
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