The evolving nature of asthma and contemporary management of this respiratory disorder

Andrew Kiboneka *

Department of Paediatrics, Case Hospital, Uganda.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(01), 162–167
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.1.0154
Publication history: 
Received on 09 March 2021; revised on 12 April 2021; accepted on 15 April 2021
wheezing and increased airway responsiveness to a variety of environmental stimuli. The definition of asthma involves various phenotypes and endotypes.The immunopathogenesis of asthma involves many immune cell sand involves the airway epithelium as well as both innate and adaptive components of the immune system. Understanding the Immunology of asthma is essential in its treatment.Asthma is a rising significant global public health burden. The annual prevalence of severe asthma episodes is estimated from 1% to 21% for adults and over 20% for children aged 6–7 years. The prevalence of asthma varies widely around the world, ranging from 0.2% to 21.0% in adults and from 2.8% to 37.6% in 6- to 7-year-old children. The development of novel asthma phenotyping & endo typing plus better classification of patients using machine learning and big data have markedly improved asthma treatment outcomes in both children and Adults.Several research groups have developed cluster analyses of phenotypes and endo-types in severe asthma. These clusters support the importance of disease heterogeneity in asthma and suggest differences in pathophysiologic mechanisms that define these clusters.Biomarkers of asthma include Serum Immunoglobulin, Fractional excretion of nitric oxide and blood eosinophils amongst others. There are five food and drug administration approved biologicals for the treatment of severe asthma.
Asthma; Th2 High; Th2low; Phenotypes; Endotypes, Clusters, Biomarkers, Biologicals; Bronchial Thermoplasty.
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