Evaluation of in vitro dissolution similarity of bisoprolol film-coated tablets based on Weibull modelling using MATLABTM simulation software

Ivana Mitrevska 1, *, Hristijan Mickoski 2, Katerina Brezovska 3 and Aneta Dimitrovska 3

1 Research & Development, Alkaloid AD, Skopje, R. North Macedonia.

2 Institute of Mechanics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, R. North Macedonia.

3 Institute of Applied Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Skopje, R. North Macedonia.

Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(01), 056-073
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.1.0143
Publication history: 
Received on 01 March 2021; revised on 02 April 2021; accepted on 04 April 2021
The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro dissolution behaviour of reference (R) and generic-test (T) medicinal products with non-linear effects model. Mathematical function Weibull, was employed as basis for the non-linear effects model, coupled with MATLABTM simulation software to describe the release profile of the active substance. Medicinal products selected for the presented study include immediate-release tablets Concor 10 mg and Bisoprolol 10 mg, which belongs to BCS class 1 of biopharmaceutics classification system. The result from the study indicated that Weibull distribution function coupled with computer-based program is more useful for comparison of the dissolution profiles. This combined approach provides robust and informative results, with accurate estimation on the in vitro performance for the medicinal products and it’s the most suitable tool for prediction of in vivo behaviour of the medicinal product. In summary, we have employed Simulink graphical programming to design our system in a simulation environment. 
Dissolution profiles; Mathematical function; MATLABTM simulation software; Simulink; Bisoprolol immediate-release tablets.
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