Evaluation of simple biosensors for efficient detection of coronavirus: A comprehensive review for the development of real-time monitoring systems
1 Cyprus International University, Department of Bioengineering, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey.
2 Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Department of Natural Resource Management, Suakoko, Bong County, Liberia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 499–504
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0470
Publication history:
Received on 15 April 2022; revised on 17 May 2022; accepted on 20 May 2022
The origin of the virus known as coronavirus is unknown; the fact that this is the case lends credence to the opinion of the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that humans were most likely responsible for its genesis. At this very moment, the whole universe is confronted with a problem in the form of a catastrophic health crisis brought on by a widespread outbreak of the coronavirus. Even though it has been under control for a substantial length of time, this outbreak has not yet been brought under control or generated positive outcomes. Despite this, there has been no indication that it will. This is in spite of the fact that significant efforts have been invested in testing for COVID-19 contamination, isolating infected individuals, and isolating people who have been in touch with those infected cases. The Review of Simple Biosensors for Rapid Detection of Coronavirus recognized the evaluation of current proposals uncovered by researchers and bioengineers from all over the world about methods to control a coronavirus pandemic by rapid testing, in particular the review of simple biosensors. These researchers and bioengineers found current proposals about methods to control a coronavirus pandemic by rapid testing. These researchers and bioengineers uncovered the examination of the most recent suggestions. In recent years, the primary focus of biosensors as effective analytical equipment has been on full samples, with the ability to mark specimens. This shift in emphasis came about because of a shift in terminology. This has been shown to be the case in human as well as animal samples. In light of this, we have decided to do a comprehensive assessment of recently established biosensing technologies. Our main goal in doing this is to make it easier to spot coronavirus pandemics, which is why we are doing it.
SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Rapid; Point-of-care testing; Coronavirus; Facile Biosensor
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