Evaluation of the Implementation of an Active Fire Protection System in the Production Unit at a Plastic Pellet Manufacturing Company in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Department of Occupational Safety and Health Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1711–1718
Publication history:
Received on 08 February 2024; revised on 19 March 2024; accepted on 21 March 2024
A plastic pellet manufacturing company in Pasuruan, Indonesia, is a company operating in the manufacturing sector and producing plastic pellets. Fire is one of the possible, unpredictably occurring risks during the manufacture of concrete. Unwanted fires can result in significant damage and human loss. Since it is impossible to foresee when or where a fire will strike, early prevention and response measures are required. Thus, as a preventive and mitigating action against the fire danger at a plastic pellet manufacturing In Pasuruan, Indonesia, the goal of this research is to assess the suitability of the active fire protection system. The research is observational and uses a descriptive method. The research findings show that plastic pellet manufacturing in Pasuruan, Indonesia, has an average suitability rate of 96% with regard to the implementation of the active fire protection system. The assessment of fire detector implementation, as per SNI 03-3985-2000, is classified as good (100%). The assessment of fire alarm implementation, as per SNI 03- 3985-2000, is classified as good (100%). The assessment of sprinkler implementation, as per SNI 03-3989-2000, is classified as sufficient (80%). The assessment of fire extinguisher implementation, as per the Ministry of Labour and Transmigration Regulation No. Per. 04/MEN/1980, is classified as good (100%). The assessment of hydrant implementation, as per SNI 03-1745-2000, is classified as good (100%). Conclusively, the suitability of the active protection system for plastic pellet manufacturing in Pasuruan, Indonesia, falls into the good category.
Active Fire Protection System; Fire Detector; Fire Alarm; Sprinkler; Fire Extinguisher; Hydrant
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