Evaluation of the implementation of the 8-week learning recovery curriculum in numeracy of grade 3 learners of Legazpi city

Cristina M. Miña 1, 2, * and Dennis G. Caballes 3

1 Graduate Program Student, School of Teacher Education, The National Teachers College, Philippines.
2 Education Program Specialist II, Schools Division of Legazpi City, DepEd Philippines.
3 Dean, School of Teacher Education, The National Teachers College, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 059–069
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.3.0355
Publication history: 
Received on 20 January 2023; revised on 28 February 2023; accepted on 03 March 2023
This study sought to evaluate the pretest and posttest results in numeracy of Grade 3 learners of the Schools Division of Legazpi City and determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum (LRC) as the numeracy intervention program based on the perception of the Grade 3 teachers. Given that all the Grade 3 learners underwent the intervention program and there was no random assignment of participants, this study qualifies as quasi-experimental research. Methodological triangulation through collection of pretest and post test results, survey, and interview with the Grade 3 teachers is used to establish the credibility of this study. Paired-samples t test is the statistical treatment used to analyze the pretest and posttest results. Descriptive statistics was used to interpret the results of the survey on the level of effectiveness of the intervention program and to capture the percentage of attendance of the learners and teachers. Thematic analysis was used to interpret the qualitative responses. This study found that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results reflective of the t-value of -7.218, p<0.05. This improvement can be attributed to the effective implementation of the numeracy intervention program as perceived by the Grade 3 teacher-respondents. The regular attendance of the learners and teachers also contributed to the effectiveness of the implementation. With this, numeracy intervention programs with similar features as that of the 8-Week LRC can be sustained to continuously address learning gaps until the learners become grade ready in a reasonable time. 
8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum; Numeracy intervention program; Quasi-experimental; Methodological triangulation; Paired-samples t test
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